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Grant Application
The Victorian Alliance of San Francisco funds worthy historic preservation projects in the San Francisco area. Each year there are two grant application cycles. February 28 and August 31 are the application deadlines. Preference is given towards projects located in the city of San Francisco, and secondarily to projects in the other Bay Area counties. The Alliance generally gives priority to funding physical restoration/preservation projects.
The Alliance, in part, evaluates a project on some of the following criteria: Is the project a preservation project? Is the project historically significant? Is the project focused on a specific architectural, decorative, or historic resource? Does the project represent good preservation; that is, does the project enhance or harm the resource? Does the sponsoring organization contribute to, or is the project accessible to, the wider public in San Francisco?
Applicants are encouraged to contact the President at vapresident@victorianalliance.org with any questions about the application process or to discuss if your project is a good match for our selection criteria.