Following are several projects the Victorian Alliance of San Francisco (VASF) has supported since 1977.
- The Golden Gate Park Windmills: Restoration
- Sharon and John McLaren Lodges in Golden Gate Park: Period chandeliers
- Geneva Car Barn: Restoration and refurbishment of historic car barn doors
- Conservatory of Flowers at Gardens of Golden Gate Park: Restoration
- San Francisco Arts Commission: Seismic stabilization
- Portals of the Past in Golden Gate Park: Restoration
- Lafayette Park: Installation of Victorian-style drinking fountains
Historical cultural organizations and institutional locations:
- Palace of Fine Arts: New lighting in 1991. Complete building restoration in 2011.
- Mechanics’ Institute and its library: Restoration
- Grace Marchant Garden on Telegraph Hill: Restoration
- Henry Ohlhoff House: Stained-glass window restoration
- Haas-Lilienthal House: San Francisco Heritage reupholstery of furniture
- Haas-Lilienthal House: New roof
- Barbary Coast Trail: Plaque
- Western Neighborhoods Project: Restoration of windows in an earthquake cottage (also known as a “quake shack”)
- Julia Morgan Potrero Hill Neighborhood House (“The Nabe”): Floor and stage restoration
- Victorian Garland Frieze at the SF LGBT Center at 1800 Market Street: Restoration
- The Castro Theatre: Restoration of leaded glass box office windows
Other historical organizations and projects:
- Western Neighborhoods Project (OpenSFHistory): Archive of photographs donated by Judith Lynch
- Ellinwood Textiles Archive
- Alamo Square Neighborhood Association
- San Francisco History Association
- San Francisco Museum & Historical Society
- American Decorative Arts Forum of Northern California, an affiliate of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco: Sponsorship of seven lectures on Victorian topics in the Forum’s lecture series
- Project Turtle: Preservation of seven books on Alliance members’ homes, with photographed exteriors and interiors, including period lighting, furniture, and decorative arts, donated to the San Francisco Library History Room
Historical spiritual centers:
- Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center: Stained-glass window restoration
- San Francisco Zen Center: Window restoration
- St. Paul’s Church in Noe Valley: Stained-glass window restoration in sacristy
- Mission Presbyterian Church: Stained-glass window restoration
- National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi: Restoration of front doors
- Macedonia Baptist Church: Restoration
- St. John’s Presbyterian Church: Stained-glass window restoration
- Congregation Sherith Israel: Stained-glass window restoration
- St. Charles School on 18th Street in the Mission: Painting of exterior
- St. James Catholic Church: Steeple repair
- Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church: Stained-glass window restoration