HOME / Volunteer
Volunteering for The Victorian Alliances offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation of San Francisco’s cultural heritage. By donating your time and skills, you become an integral part of safeguarding architectural treasures for future generations to appreciate and learn from. Volunteering allows you to develop a deep connection with the history and craftsmanship of these resources, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. Additionally, volunteering provides a chance to collaborate with like-minded individuals who share a passion for heritage conservation, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
Below are the standing committees which welcome volunteers. The specific activities available to volunteers will vary over time depending on the organization’s focus, resources, and current projects.
Special Activities Committee
Also dubbed the “Fun Committee,” this group develops activities for its members and interested communities. In-person house tours are its main events. Additionally, there are small house and garden parties, evening events, field trips, and other activities that are also fun to organize and attend. Chaired or co-chaired by members of the Alliance who have interests in organizing events that align with the organization’s mission. Inquire about volunteering here.
Education Commitee
This group develops and participates in educational programs, guided tours, and workshops to raise awareness about local history and the importance of preservation efforts. This committee raised funding from the Alliance for the San Francisco History Association to plan an annual summer school for middle schoolers to learn and explore historic architecture, which includes experts’ guidance and a tour of a historic home. Chaired or co-chaired by members with interests in educating young people about the value of historic culture and architecture. Inquire about volunteering here.
Advocacy Commitee
This committee raises important historic preservation issues as they align with the organization’s mission. Currently, this group is in talks with city agencies and like-minded historic preservation organizations to develop a realistic and simplified plan for designating historic resources that can become a part of the planning code. Chaired by members Jim
Warshell, Adam Klafter, and Ray Zablotny. Inquire about volunteering here.
Grants Committee
This committee administers funds that are raised by the organization to further its preservation goals. To date, the organization has awarded a total of nearly $500,000. All awarded funds are approved by the membership. Please find a grant application here. Chaired by Adam Klafter, currently VASF vice president. Visit the Grants Program page or for additional information contact Adam here.